Marcie's 40th Birthday Party

Marcie recently purchased an event center where she runs the flower shop and where her day care is located. She is the most amazing entrepreneur that I have ever met. In her new event space, there is a gorgeous fine dining restaurant and a bar, and an outside party space that is amazing. That is where her party took place. We all got rooms at the Delta right next door so we could walk back and forth from the party. The Delta was absolutely beautiful and the rooms were huge! Sam especially appreciated the satin sheets, lol.
After we checked in and quickly changed into party clothes, we all headed to Marcie's for a pre-party cocktail. My Aunt Char and Uncle Mike were there and it was so fun to be all together. The cousins were excited to see Marcie and Ann's beautiful home and the kids were thrilled to be together with their cousins.
Then we drove back to the event space and had a party! The food was abundant and delicious. There were fajitas and chips and guacamole and enchiladas and posole and cake! There was a lovely red wine and a keg of Marcie's favorite beer, Michelob Ultra. There was a great band on the patio and after we ate, we all moved outside to enjoy the lovely weather and have a better view of the dance floor. We all danced lots and chatted with each other. The kids ran wild and for a while amused themselves with the helium tank in the flower shop. They played pool in the bar, ate cake, ran around, played chase and even danced.
It was a great party and the best of it all was to see Marcie enjoying it all. She has accomplished so much in her life and it was a true honor to watch everyone celebrate her. I love her so much and I am lucky we are so close.


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