End of Summer Block Party

Earlier in the summer, I applied for a grant from the city of Littleton for a neighborhood block party. I got the same grant the year before so I was pretty confident we might receive it. We did! So I went to HOA and set up an end of the summer block party for this last weekend.
I'm not going to lie, it was a lot of work! But the whole neighborhood pitched in and it was a lot of fun. We had a bike parade and contest with prizes, three grills with burgers and brats going, lawn games, a Kona Ice truck with free kona ice, and an outdoor movie in the green space.
It was a hot day, but we had shade and a breeze and it actually felt very comfortable. Everyone seemed to have a good time and there was plenty of food and drink and help so I had a good time too!
By the time I filled up my wine glass and settled in my airlounj in front of the movie screen, I felt quite satisfied and in love with my neighborhood. Thanks, Littleton!


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