Sam's 12th Birthday at Snobahn

Last Friday evening, Samuel had his 12th birthday party at Snobahn, his new favorite place. It's an indoor parkour and ski/snowobarding center. The kids are members and love to go at least twice a week. For his birthday party, he was allowed to invite seven friends to join him in jumping, running and a snowboarding lesson. The facility also arranged to bring in a non dairy cake and non dairy pizza to have at the end of the party. Garrett, Tobias and Isabelle, and Riley came from the neighborhood. James, Sam's friend from his current school and Sasha, Sam's best friend at his last school both attended as well. Davis showed up late after Michael picked him up from his Kansas City trip. Then Michael and Suzy and Sasha's mom Marina went next door to Indulge for wine and appetizers while the kids had their party. It was perfect! We came back in time to dispense cake and food. Then we came home, opened presents and then Suzy and Jason and Michael and I played Catan while the Sam and Leah built legos downstairs.
It was about as perfect as a birthday party can be.


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