Visit from Marcie and Super Bowl

Before the flu hit me last week, we had a visit from Marcie, Ann and the kids! Marcie and Ann went to see Fleetwood Mac, while I stayed home with kids. The next day, Ann was feeling bad, but the rest of us enjoyed exploring the mall. That evening the whole crew went to see a Nuggets game. We couldn't go as M was flying home and Davis had cyber patriots practice. The next day Davis competed in Cyber Patriots and Ann went to urgent care to find out she had type A Influenza. They all packed up and left that evening. I was so sad for them and for us as we didn't get more time to play, but I was happy with the visit as I really got some special time with all three kiddos and Marcie.
The next morning we went to church as usual and then headed over to Suzy's for the superbowl. Suzy threw a lovely party with lots of delicious food and good friends. However, I have to say that the superbowl itself, was awful. The teams were uninspiring (Rams/Patriots) the scoring was record low, and the halftime show was terrible. (Adam Levine). Hopefully next year we get some Saints in there! Still, it was fun to be with friends and the kids all enjoyed playing together.


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