
The Walters have the plague. I had the flu a few weeks ago. I got a cold shortly after. Then it turned into a sinus infection. It always does that. Sigh. Then on Sunday evening when we got back home from downtown and the boys got home from their sleepover, Davis said he wasn't feeling well. Michael also wasn't feeling well at all with cough, headache and body aches, but had to catch an early flight on Monday morning so he went away to spend the night at the airport and fly to Miami in the early AM. By Monday morning, Davis was feeling really sick. He got worse and worse. Michael called me from Miami with the same miserable symptoms. Finally on Wednesday I took Davis to the doctor. He got tested for flu and it came back positive for Influenza type A. I called Michael to inform him that it was almost certain he also had the flu. Davis felt horrible and was completely wiped out. My sinus infection was killing me. And then Sam came in Wednesday night to say he wasn't feeling well either. Sam and I both went in on Thursday morning and the dr said Sam didn't have the flu yet, but watch him as it wouldn't always test positive this early and he was susceptible. She gave me steroids and antibiotics for the sinus infection. Then Thursday night, if on cue, Sam spiked a 101 fever. So now we had three down with the flu.
Luckily, both Michael and Davis feel better, though still really weak and miserable. They are on the recovery path, but Sam has just started his journey. Sigh. I have had rehearsal every day this week and a show tomorrow night. My steroids are helping me sing and breathes so I just cross my fingers that the flu is the same strain that I had so I don't get it again!


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