Nov Life and Goodbye Tree

First week of November was super domestic. I made my Plated meals (pretty darn delicious). Sam and Garrett went to Snobahan. A squirrel enjoyed my pumpkins. The snow melted. Michael and I had a date night and went out to see Improv Shakespeare at DCPA which we LOVED. Davis and Reese had their first date and went ice skating. We went to church and I stayed to practice with the choir. I worked at my desk and planned out how to produce the spring play at Anastasis. It was domestic and lovely.
The only sad news is that our tree in the front of our house is officially dead AND gone. I knew it was dying this summer and called the tree people who didn't believe me. But I WAS RIGHT!. It was dead and they finally acknowledged it this fall. We got some bids to take it down and chose the cheapest. They came out on Tuesday this week and took it down. I'm so sad about it. I loved having a big tree in my front yard and it is so sad to see a tree die. Also, I hate having my kitchen window so exposed. I don't know what I'll do in that space yet. They said we would have to wait at least a year to stump it out as the tree roots have to finish dying. Let me know if you have any suggestions!


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