Home and Healing

I am home. I am healing. Each day is better.
Things have been rough. Davis got diagnosed with Type B flu the day I was released from the hospital and was SO sick. He had to wear a mask around me and I couldn't care for him the way I wanted. I had a terrible rash from one of the pain meds I was taking so I got a new one and things are much better. Sam has been unhappy and unsettled. Michael is frantically juggling work and home.
The good news is my mom is here and has been so helpful, as has Paul. I took off work Tuesday as I just couldn't physically do it, but I made it back to school to hold rehearsal on Tuesday and on Wednesday to teach my three drama classes. I got to the mall with my mom to pick up the gift Davis wanted to buy his girlfriend and to let Sam get his new lego platform he needed. I will tell you the mall never felt so large as it did that day. Mom and Paul and I went downtown for lunch yesterday and to see a condo for sale (dream shopping). That was so fun and it felt so good to get out, but it was too much and I was really, really hurting by bed time. Still every day is better.
I have really enjoyed being home with my children and dogs. It felt good to school and direct my kiddos. I felt a little bit like me again. Survivor premiered this week with all winners competing and it was really fun. My mom cooked all my sunbasket meals this week and that was a treat and yesterday we ordered in Indian food!
Today, mom and Paul came over and packed up all our things and loaded the car for us so we can drive up to Estes Park this weekend. I expect to do little but sit by the fire and build puzzles, but it will be with my family and it will be in the mountains and so I am very excited and happy!
And that's my update.
Happy Valentine's Day!


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