Pandemic Daily Life

So, we live on the ranch now. I don't know when we will go home. We are planning on staying at least through the end of the month of April. School's aren't going back to in person teaching/learning for the year. Models predict Colorado's Covid cases will peak the third week of April and Texas will peak the first or second week of May.
So we stay in this gorgeous house with the people we love. It's the best place to be. I walk miles round and round the ranch. We do puzzles. We organize and cook and drink wine. We play games. The last 5 days have been rain, rain, cold grey clouds, rain, which make us crazy, but it could be worse.
We get fresh eggs and meat from the ranch. We got to the store once a week for groceries. I wore my bandana around my face and gloves last Thursday and then we painstakingly wiped each grocery item down.
We work remotely- Michael at the hippy house with his new job (same company different position), I teach on zoom, as does Paul, kids learn on their computers. Davis is also taking online driver's ed.
I work out in the mornings.
We go stir crazy, but we have fun. We try to make weekends fun. Friday night we watched an online Saxon pub concert and on Saturday night we put on a murder mystery, based on the movie clue which we watched last weekend. We sat around on Sunday watching Treme. Sam fished. Davis ran his remote control boat and Michael did video games. We played Jackbox drawful with the Liffords on zoom and it was so good to see them.
Sunny pictures above make we wish the sun would come back! Things are really good and the people I love are healthy. I am stir crazy and want to plan travel, but that is a first world problem. This is our new normal and we are very lucky for it.  I think a lot of things are going to change after all this is over.
I'll add pics of our murder mystery soon, too.


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