Sam's Journal: Easter Edition

Yesterday was Easter. It was amazing for an easter in quarantine. I woke up and ran to my Easter basket to find a single egg. (Just for reference, I usually have candy and toys in my basket.) This time it was only one egg. So I opened it up and it had a little scroll in it. It was a clue. So I went to where the clue said and there was another egg and it had a clue in it. So I followed all of the clues until the final one. It said something like this, "Your prize awaits beyond the gates of the downstairs closet". Something like that. So then I went into the big downstairs closet and there was a gift bag!! In it there was a minifig bag with like ten in there. There was a lego book, a box of non dairy chocolate covered pretzels, two books, a "would you rather" game book, and a game called "Not Parent Approved".
Anyways, Davis got up and did his egg hunt and Mimi did a scavenger hunt as well. Then I had a church zoom meeting while our parents hid our eggs. When they were done, they told us that there were two $20 eggs and if we found one we get to keep it, but if we find the other one, we get to re-hide it. I found my $20 egg pretty fast and got considerably more eggs than Davis. He eventually found his $20 egg after I found it, but my Dad said I couldn't re-hide it. Anyways we had BBQ lunch and swam in the pool. Then we got out to do the pinata. We whacked the heck out of it until my dad cut it off the rope. Then we took turns throwing it up and hitting it out if the air. We did that until finally it broke open. Inside there were a bunch of water balloons, sling-shot sticky chickens, slime, orbeez and candy. Then we got back in the pool and had an epic water balloon fight. Even my mom joined in. That's pretty much all of Easter.
But there are a few other interesting things. One thing is that Razz has an ear infection in both ears, and has a nasty wound from scratching himself. So Mimi took him to the vet and they did surgery on both his ears. Now he has been laying around the laundry room for days. My lightsaber has not shipped yet, but I know it will ship today or tomorrow because it said it can take up to 2 weeks to ship and I ordered it on April 1. Davis and I both took shoeboxes and turned them into lightsaber boxes. For mine I got black spray paint and black crushed velvet. Then I cut out a stencil fo the grey jedi symbol and spray painted it on the top of my box white. Then I took silver sharpie and wrote Star Wars letters on it. Davis spray painted his white and did the temple guard symbol black. Well that's pretty much it. Today I found the found last egg and it had $5 in it! See ya later, SW.
Oh wait, I almost forgot. Today I spent all day getting stuff for my starkiller cosplay. I sketched out my costume, then wrote down what I needed to make it. Then I looked at all sorts of websites fto fidn the products that I need. But finally I settled on good old amazon. I needed EVA foam to make the armor chestplate and shoulder pads. I need 10mm thick EVA foam 100cmx36cm. So I put that in my card. Then I got a pack of 3 craft knives with a bunch of extra blades and a cutting board. I also got an extra much bigger cutting board for bigger projects. Then I got Darth Vader gloves that would look great with my costume. I bought 2 cans of spray paint and some glue. I also need an airbrush and a dremel, but I don't have the budget for that. Until next time, SW


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