September in Covid

September was fun. The weather was still nice and the covid numbers were still okay and we were able to do some limited socializing with our friends which was great! Davis was online instead of hybrid for a week or so while Heritage had a teacher shortage and we struggled with online learning (who knew there was a to-do button on google classroom?). I taught almost all my classes outside and it worked pretty well. Sam went back in person full time. Davis did some racing for his RacerX Junior league team. He raced the Colorado Cup in Castle Rock while Garrett, Leah and Sam did some ziplining. Football season actually happened and we had some good times watching the Saints play. Michael and I rode out bikes up and down the highline canal three or four times a week. The leaves started to change and turned such pretty golden and red and yellow. I loved riding my bike and watching gold just rain down all around me. Sam spent his spare time at Snobahn in a mask and went back to gymnastics twice a week (in a mask). He worked on his cosplay for Halloween and rode his scooter at every skate park available. He also really focused on editing and uploading to his youtube channel. Davis played a lot of video games and talked on discord with his friends, Alex, Donovan and Peter. He rode bikes with them at practice twice a week and occasionally had them over after for a soak in the the hot tub. Michael and I went downtown to walk around and look at the graffiti during the Crush Wall festival. We heard on the way the Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died and it was so sad. We had a glass of wine and walked a bit, but the outing had lost it's luster. Plus, it was too crowded to feel covid safe for Michael. We watched the presidential debates and lots of movies-still doing our regular family movie nights. We played with dogs and walked them and I cooked my Sunbaskets. It was a good month.


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