We're still here- changing the blog

 It's been a while. I quit posting because of several reasons. One is that the kids hate being discussed (by me) on social media these days. The other is the sensitivity around Covid. So much judgement about what people are or are not doing and with whom. Plus, my family has been really, really cautious these last few months so there just hasn't been that much to post about. We stay home. We still have our besties the Danielsons in our bubble. We did get a new puppy on Halloween! Everyone has stayed healthy in our bubble. We are doing okay. 

I miss blogging though. So I'm going to keep doing so in a way that isn't so public. 

I'm going to switch over to a more private way to continue blogging, and restrict this blog to people I add by their email addresses.

Let me know in the comments if you would like for me to add you as a viewer to this blog. I'm happy to do it and would love to stay in touch with you!


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