Hand-foot-mouth disease AGAIN

Remember waaaayyyyyy back in June when I wrote this? Well, Sam has hand-foot-mouth again. We had a low fever on Sunday night. On Monday there was no fever, but he had a runny nose and Sam complained of a sore throat. He also had no appetite. I decided that since there was no fever, then maybe it was allergies. Yesterday, still no appetite and one blister on his foot, but I thought that was from his new shoes. And then today he was awful! Fussy and not listening and not eating and driving me crazy! At rest time I pulled off his socks and shoes and saw his feet were both covered in blisters top and bottom. I grabbed his hands and checked his palms. Yep, covered in little red blisters. Then I opened his mouth. More in there.
I'd seen this all before. In JUNE. I called the doctor and she said to come right in. I did and she looked him over and declared it to be hand-foot-mouth disease. I asked her how that was possible since you can only get it once. She explained that there are different strains of coxsackie virus and Sam must have gotten a new one.
My little germ magnet with very little immunity. So he's contagious. And I'm a rotten mom, because I let him go the gym daycare this morning and crawl in bed with his brother at nap before I realized he was sick. there's nothing you can do for it, so we're just quarantined until the blisters disappeared.
We may not be able to go to Sea World on Saturday before we head to the beach. But the good news is that Davis seems to be just fine. My little germ repeller with strong immunity except for his propensity toward ear infections. And Noggin is now Nick, Jr! I know this because it's been on for the last two hours. It keeps Sam from screaming. Now all I need is more popscicles. And a drink. And some good wishes for my sweet little blistery guy.


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