Last Beach day of the Summer

We did a quick beach trip this weekend with my mom and dad. They left early Friday, but we drove down late Friday evening. We didn't get on the road till 6:40pm and didn't get down to Port Aransas until almost ten. Sam fell asleep in the car, but Davis didn't. He never can. We all threw our stuff down in the condo and fell asleep. Saturday dawned with a beautiful silver ocean and clean, seaweed-free sand. Michael went for a five mile run and I made homemade scones and did pilates and then we packed up the beach bag and the cooler and headed for the beach. We set up our EZ up and our chairs and the kids grabbed their plastic boats and went to play in the water. Mom and Dad met us down on the beach and we had a great time, soaking up the sunshine and chatting. My parents took the kids on a walk and Michael and I stood in the water, talking and spinning out future plans. We had a picnic lunch and then bought ice cream from the ice cream truck. Michael went out boogi...