Country Boy
Davis has an accent. All of a sudden, all his one syllable words have become two.
Grass is grahyes, ranch is rahyanch. It's not whiney, it's just dragged out and lazy sounding. Like he should be leaning on the fencepost with a piece of hay in his mouth. What to do? Michael and I have been working on opening our mouths when we speak and repeating words when he says them in his little cowboy way, but it is not working. He's well spoken, has proper use of pronouns, gender, told me yesterday, "Mommy, may Sammy and I go ayoutsahd (outside)to plaaayyyyy?" Good grammer, but what the heck is he saying??? We knew lots of things would change when we moved to the country, but we never anticipated this. Somebody better buy this child a cowboy hat.