
Showing posts from November, 2011

Finger update

Turns out that at least one and possibly two of the stitches in Sam's finger have slipped. We suspected that when we changed the dressing on Sunday night, but doctor confirmed it on Monday. It was too late to restitch it, but he fells confident that it will still heal. The scar will just be less pretty. On a side note, Sam did well at his five year old well check. He's 78% for height and 59% for weight. We got a new prescription for car sick medicine and a regimen for his excema. Sam also failed his vision test, but just barely. We'll take him to get his eyes checked in January when our insurance will cover it. The big bandage on Sam's right finger is causing him trouble. We have to help with spooning soup, fastening his buttons and wiping. He lost his bandage twice yesterday at school. His teacher replaced the bandage both times and told me about it after school with her head on my shoulder with awe and disgust about how terrible it looks. Luckily, it looks

Taos Day Six

We woke up early and breakfasted and all the cousins commenced to playin'. They played and played and played. It was very cold outside and raining, but everyone except for grandma and gramp decided to go out to the Taos Convention center for the Arts and crafts christmas show. As we drove there, the rain turned into huge, fat, perfectly formed snowflakes. The kids were so excited when we pulled into the parking lot and let them out of the car. The show was kind of lame so Marcie and Ann and the kids went back to the house and Mom and Dad and my family went out to lunch at Graham's Grill. The food was absolutely delicious there and I bought mom and dad a cookbook from them as a housewarming present. After lunch we walked half a block to a fabulous toy store called Twirl. They were having a Christmas party with live music, cookies, crafts, face painting and a chance to meet Santa. The kids had a great time and each got some face time with the man. Michael and I bought them

Sam's finger

A terrible thing happened yesterday. We had just gotten home from a nice day in Taos. The kids were all playing the their room and I had just sat down with a gin and tonic after checking on the boys and admonishing them not to play in the closet and slam the doors because it was dangerous. Literally 60 seconds after the admonishment and just as my butt sat back down on the couch, I heard Sam sceaming and Michael yell, OH MY GOD!. I ran into the kitchen to see Michael holding Sam and blood everywhere. And then I saw Sam's finger. It looked like it had been cut in half from the top right through to the first joint. It looked like an over cooked hot dog when they just split. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hand and held it tight to stop the bleeding. I somehow got my purse and yelled over my shoulder for Marcie to take care of Davis. We got the keys and Sam into the car and then I rode in the back with Sam while Michael drove us, (still steaming and pissed off as

Taos day 5- Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was fun. We all cooked together and sipped eggnog and mimosas and bloody Marys before we switched to my homemade Cherry Bounce and wine. Mom made an amazing dinner. The red chili gravy was THE BEST gravy I've ever had in my life, ya'll. The kids all watched the parade and saw the "real" Santa at the end. I think it was the best part of their day. Davis and Cruz and Sam played Barbies in the trailer most of the day and Andres played football with Michael and Ann outside, and then after dinner, played a really laughter filled game of Taboo with us. Marcie, Andres and I were on one team and Mom, Michael and Ann on the other. It was so fun and we intend to continue it today. We enjoyed the antics of both Amelia and the new puppy. As the sun disappeared behind the mountain we brought the kids in and watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. There was one bad splotch in the middle of the day. Right before we sat down at the table for our Thanksgiving dinn

Taos Day 4

Yesterday morning we woke up, made breakfast and headed out to the Taos Pueblo. It's about fifteen minutes from here and is a UNESCO Heritage site. We had a tour and we all really enjoyed it including the kids. Then we wandered around and explored and shopped. We all had an indian fry bread and I bought a pueblo made christmas ornament. The kids loved it and seemed to learn a lot. We came back and made lunch out of leftovers and then mom watched the boys while Michael and I went to the local theater and watched Breaking Dawn. We both loved it though Michael was a bit perturbed that he was the only man in the audience. We came home and had cocktail hour that included a hilarious family game of twister. Later in the evening, Marcie and Ann and the kids arrived. We ordered pizzas and let the kids go crazy. They brought light up lightsabers for the kids and a super hero costume for Sam for his birthday. Marcie and Ann had bought a new Yorkie puppy that morning and we are all

Taos Day 2 and 3

Yesterday we drove up to Taos Ski Valley and let the boys go crazy. It was very cold and everything was covered in white, deep snow. The village was pretty empty because ski season doesn't start till Thanksgiving and it was pretty amazing to have the whole place to ourselves. Michael and the boys threw snowballs at each other and built a snow wall and made snow angels. Then we met Mom and Dad and the grandparents at the Stray Dog where they were waiting for us and had a cocktail and hot chocolate for the kids. We drove home and had quiet time and then went out for supper at Orlando's. It's a great, funky, friendly place with amazing art inside. I'm in love with red and green chills and want to eat New Mexican food as much as possible. Every restaurant here offers several vegetarian options here and we are loving it! Sam ate a tiny piece of his quesadilla and then we ordered him a brownie and cookie which they delivered with a candle and the whole restaurant sa

Sam is Five

My baby turned five today. We all gathered and sang to him and he ducked his head in embarrassment but had a huge grin. We opened presents by the fire. This afternoon we drove twenty minutes to the Taos Ski Valley and let the boys go free. They dove into the snow and had an amazing time. Sam was beside himself with joy. Then we came home and put on his new birthday movie, Cars2. We have promised him dessert of his choice for dinner. He is a very happy child. He is such a sweet boy. Good natured, a little introverted, easy going. He gives amazing hugs. I crawled in bed with him this morning and cuddled him while I wished him happy birthday. I have to enjoy while he's still little enough to let me. On occasion today he would mention something fabulous about being five and then chuckle and beam with pride. I can't believe my baby is five. I love getting to know him though. The older he gets the better I get to know who he is and I like him so much. It's prett

Taos Day 2

Yesterday we woke super early (time change!) and had a slow morning. We made some plans and lists and puttered around the big house. Then we all loaded into the cars and drove into town to the local Walmart. We bought some more toys for the house, and a card table and a roasting pan. Then we drove to the plaza and walked around doing some shopping. I found a few Christmas presents for people. I fell in love with a fringed jacked with embroidery that I wanted so bad, but it is way too expensive. After we shopped for an hour or so, we went to the Taos Inn and ate lunch at Doc Martins. I had a bowl of green and red chili that was flavorful and spicy! Yum. It was good food and a great place. Mom says the Taos Inn has live music every evening and Michael's Aunt Dianne says the margaritas are great there, so we'll definitely go back. We made our way home after lunch and Dad and GG and Gramp all napped while the boys played quietly in their room with Michael and mom and I m

Road trip to Taos

We left Friday around 1PM for a two day drive to Taos. I had to yank Michael out of his office kicking and screaming to leave, but I finally got him out and we were on our way. We planned a six hour drive to Fort Stockton for our first day. We booked a motel that allowed pets since Ellie was with us. We made it a couple of hours and then Sam started to throw up. It was bad. We gave him the car trash can and kept driving. He kept being sick. There's been a terrible virus going around his school and we were sure he had it. We got to the motel as soon as we could and brushed his teeth and put him in bed. After about ten minutes he felt awesome and begged us for dinner. The whole thing turned out to be car sickness! We were relieved, but realized that we still had eight more hours in the car ahead of us with our little man. Saturday we woke early, gave Sam some car sick medicine and put the trash can at his feet. We made a rule: no movies, no coloring books, no looking at


I've been sick. Very sick. I had a nasty cold that turned into the worst sinus infection I've had in my life. My teeth hurt, my head hurt, my snot had some amazing colors, I was totally exhausted and I ran a fever. Luckily I got some antibiotics and between those, mucinex D and my neti pot, I recovered! I was down for almost two weeks, but it is finally over. Hooray!

Star Wars Birthday Party

We threw a Star Wars birthday party for Sam yesterday. His birthday isn't until next week and we'll be in Taos so we decided to have a party for him before we left on our trip. Of course he chose Star Wars as his theme. The child is obsessed. He brings drawing after drawing of lightsabers home from school. He thinks about Star Wars all the time- even when I think it's off topic. For example, last week he asked me if I had a penis. I told him no and that I had a vagina. He then asked me I peed out of my bottom. I told him no, I peed out of my vagina. I waited for the next question with some trepidation. He then asked me how old Luke was when he got the force. See what I mean? So a Star Wars birthday party it was! Michael was thrilled with the selection and really joined in helping me plan the party. We let Sam invite five friends and their siblings. We crafted an evite inviting his friends to join him in some jedi training. I bought snacks (pretzel rods- the

River Potluck and Campout

Last weekend Michael and I hosted a potluck dinner and campout at the river bottom in honor of our friend Stacey's birthday. It took a bit of work, but not so much as it has in the past. The weather was perfect. We had our core group of really awesome friends there and almost everyone camped. Pappy Hour played a rockin' concert. The kids roasted smores. Then the kids actually fell asleep when we wanted them to. Grownups got to sit up around the fire. It was so much fun. Big fun. I can't wait to do it again. I'm thinking early spring.

New Roof

We have a new roof. Our tile roof was supposed to last a lifetime, but it was put on incorrectly and so we've been fighting leaks ever since we moved in. We had some bids offered on both a new tile roof or on several different types of metal. We chose a metal roof because I grew up with a metal roof and loved it and because it was less expensive than the tile. It took the crew seven working days to take off the tile and put up the new roof. They did a great job and we really love it. We were worried at first that it wouldn't be as beautiful, but we really do like it. Now I want to repaint the front door though.

Happy Halloween!

The kids started their Halloween with a costume parade at their school before their class party. After school we played for a bit and then we all put on our costumes, trick or treated at G.G. and Gramps' house, and stopped at Uncle Larry's house where Hank gave the kids each a jalepeno! We then went to meet some friends at the Rail Yard Restaurant. For school, Davis had been Venom and Sam a clone trooper, but for the evening, Davis was black spider man and Sam was Luke Skywalker. Michael dressed up as the Red Baron and I went as a vampire. After dinner we met up with more friends and went trick or treating on San Antonio Street. There were lots of people there and some fun decor at the houses. It was a bit of a mad house and we didn't stay long, but the kids LOVED it. They were so excited to get home and trade me all the candy for the toys I had bought them. They each got to keep as many pieces of candy as they are years old and then they gave me the rest and colle