And it continues

I was getting better, and then I was feeling worse. I went to the doctor on Friday and came home with a diagnosis of a sinus infection with impacted sinuses and a handful of antibiotics.
On Saturday morning, instead of being woken with hearts and love, I was woken at three AM with a screaming, hot and very stinky baby. Sam had a high fever and terrible diarrhea. This went on all day with my poor baby getting more and more dehydrated. Around five yesterday evening I took him in to the emergency room since he had started pooping blood and we couldn't get him to drink anything.
They looked him over and decided that while he was dehydrated, it wasn't enough to need an IV. They took a dirty diaper off for testing and offered him gatorade. He drank about two inches of it and then rolled over and fell asleep. They came back 45 minutes later with an antibiotic prescription and a warning to watch him for severe dehydration.
They think he might have shigella or salmanella or it could just be rotovirus. We'll know tomorrow when the tests come back.
Last night it was more of the same with little sleep for anyone but Davis.
I'm wiped out and sick of being sick and having my babies be sick. When will it ever end?


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