Sea World, Pumpkins and Me

Martha came in to visit us this weekend and we had a great time. The weather was beautiful and we had some grand adventures. Michael and I went out to see the broadway tour of Spring Awakening. On Saturday we went to Sea World. We took my niece Lilliana too. We all had a blast and decided it was well worth it's hefty price tag. The kids were only disappointed we didn't stay later for the Halloween activities. Maybe next year.
On Sunday we went to a birthday party with pony rides and later to our friend Annie's annual pumpkin carving party. It was a really nice day, though we were exhausted at the end.
Despite all the social activity, I've been feeling strangely introverted lately. Private. Keeping my feelings inside and feeling disconnected sometimes. I feel like if I go out and talk to people I keep putting my foot in my mouth or that I just can't express myself accurately. Which is crazy because I'm so happy socially right now. I have some really good friends here and some real friendships that make me so happy.
I think I'm just processing a lot of stuff right now. Family-spirituality-career. Sam starts school on Monday and I keep feeling like I don't deserve it. Like people will expect me to immediately go out and get a job or something. I don't know.
I'm really enjoying my yoga practice these days. I'm going three times a week to class and it is changing my life both physically and mentally.
The weather is cold and rainy and makes me want to snuggle in with my family. The kids are getting older and understand more and they are getting to be so much fun to be with. We're getting past the really hard baby years and into some fun times.
I have to say I really appreciate Michael right now. I'm so glad he doesn't hunt or get into sports. It's not that he doesn't have his obsession that drives me crazy and truly annoys me (video games), but he's home and he works his gaming around our schedule and not the other way around and I really, really appreciate that as I hear other mamas complaining about the season.
We are gearing up for Halloween. We carved a pumpkin this afternoon and I'm roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven right now. They smell so good. And I have my mama's Portuguese stew in the pot on the stove bubbling away. Delicious.
I've been working really hard on a cookbook for the last eight months or so and I'm finally almost done. I'll be making a big announcement about it soon.
And that's it for an update.
XO, me


Unknown said…
Breath deeply, beautiful Amber. Moment by moment... And save me a copy of your cookbook autographed by you AND that mama whose Portugese stew you've got simmering! (You'd better include that recipe. Please?) xxoo, Tina
Mama Deb said…
Congrats on your cookbook! As for the feelings...I am having those too lately. I totally understand what you mean. For me, it's just something weird about this time of year. Not sure why, but maybe it's just part of the groove of our lives.

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