Buzzing like a Bee
It sure is quiet around here. Sorry. I don't know why I haven't blogged exactly. It's just been busy around here. A quiet bee hive kind of busy. We're all worker bees just humming along.
Our camera took it's last picture and we are anxiously awaiting it's replacement.
My yoga teacher was fired and I have been left without my soothing yoga practice. Instead I've been hitting the gym five times a week to try out body attack and spinning. I miss yoga.
We went to the Renaissance festival weekend before last and spent some time in Sugar Land with my in-laws. It was nice.
Sam is in school now every morning and he seems to be adjusting well. He still cries occasionally, but most of the time he is happy to be with his brother. He turns three on Saturday and we are planning a little Max and Ruby birthday party for him. How can he be about to be three? He's my baby!
I continue to feel content to stay in my small family circle. There's a serious case of introversion going on around here. I don't know where it has come from, but we'll ride it out and I'm sure we'll be extroverted again soon.
We'll be home for the weekend part of Thanksgiving so let us know if anyone wants to get together.
XO, me