Pow Wow

Did I tell you that we went to a Pow-wow a couple of weeks ago? We did. My parents helped to sponsor it and we got to go and represent them since they were out of town on the day it happened. The pow-wow was held at Aquarena Springs and it was a beautiful day. The river was gorgeous and the sky was blue.
I love pow-wows. They remind me of my childhood. When I as a kid, my dad fell in love with the indigenous peoples' culture and made some wonderful friends in the Kiowa-Apache tribe in Anadarko, OK. They became a second family. We would often climb into the "Blue buffalo" (my dad's dodge ram charger) and drive up to Oklahoma where we would attend the pow-wow's for several days. I had a pretty pink shawl with fringe and I always danced when I could.
Taking the kids to this pow-wow was really special for me because I was able share with them such a special memory. Davis was enthralled with the dancers and the drummers. We sat for almost an hour watching the show.
We also got to spend some time with our friends Marja and Ben and their kids Ransom and Ellis. Shortly after they left, Cheris and Rob showed up with Violet and Graham. The kids immediately went exploring around the water and then we headed for the food tents to get corn on the cob, sausage, tortillas and to salivate over the fry bread.
We watched a bit more of the dancers and then perused the many vendors before ending our day in the Aquarena Springs Aquarium. The kids loved the conservation video and watching the fish swim in the big tanks. That place really is wonderful.
We're hoping the pow-wow will be annual, so if you missed it this year, maybe you can make it next year. Enjoy the pictures.


ndtttttttttttt said…
If you are still interested in the people of Anadarko, I have published some books about my little hometown. You can read and search them for free on:


Every word is indexed. It's a beautiful system.

N. Dale Talkington
Stillwater, OK

CELL: 305.343.4229

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