Bread and Butter Jalepenos

I LOVE these bread and butter jalepenos. My Uncle Larry has always made them in the summer and I wait for the times when I can try them. My mom always serves them over a block of cream cheese with some crackers. Last year I tried my hand at canning them. It was a bit tedious to cut up all those jalepenos, but the result was worth it. All year I've eaten them on hamburgers, salads, sandwiches, tacos and bowls of rice. I was down to my last jar this week and so my mom and I decided to work together to make a big batch. I picked in Uncle Larry's garden in the morning. We then spent the afternoon in her kitchen and ended up with 17 jars of bread and butter jalepenos. Delicious! I'll ask Uncle Larry at the next happy hour if I can share the recipe with you. If not, if you ask me nice I might share with you. Maybe.


cheris said…
Ummmm... you'd BETTER bring some to book group. ;)

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