Home Again

We are home again, from our cruise, by the way. I have spent the last two days trying to get reoriented to life. We spent ten days in the southern caribbean and it was wonderful. I will post on all of that thoroughly.
I really enjoyed not cleaning, not cooking, not looking at my watch, only being in charge of myself and immediate family, eating and drinking with abandon, warm weather, staying up late and sleeping in. It was great.
It's hard to come home to schedules and emails and obligations. Very hard.
But I'm glad to come home, too. There really is no place like home. My bed is soft and downy, my dogs are sweet, my house is my own. Best of all, this is where the people I love are. I was so glad to see my parents again, see my friends, my grandparents, my cousins. My grandma is home from the rehab center. She broke her hip the week before Christmas and it has been very intense around here ever since. I felt guilty about leaving for vacation in the middle of it, but the rest of the family stepped in and took care of her and she is doing well. We had happy hour tonight at her house and the whole family was there and it felt so good for us all to be together.
The fire is burning in the fireplace and the kids are snuggled in their beds and my husband loves me and my lounge chair is waiting for me with my favorite blanket draped just right. I am glad to be right here.


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