Hyatt Lost Pines Christmas Edition

When school got out right before Christmas, we made a quick trip to the Hyatt Lost Pines with our friends Tom, Odille and their son. We used points plus cash and used a diamond suite upgrade for the weekend. The kids were covered in Chocolate, laden with Christmas gifts, riding a sugar high from their school parties, and Samuel was running a fever.
We pushed through anyway and checked in and spent the afternoon with our friends. Saturday Samuel seemed marginally better and so we tried to continue to enjoy ourselves. Hyatt Lost Pines was decorated beautifully and had a big Christmas tree in the atrium. They had special programs going on that weekend with a hawk show, story telling with a naturalist and a covered wagon ride. We also played kickball on the lawn and drank wine with Tom and Odille while the kids played in the game room and we all learned how to play Catan. We had a wonderful day, but that evening, Davis started running a really high fever and we knew our fun was over. We woke up Sunday morning to two very sick children. We loaded them up and drove them home, begging a doctor on the phone to give them Tamiflu. Recovery was quick for Samuel and slow for Davis, but both made it to good health by Christmas eve. I highly recommend the Hyatt Lost Pines at Christmas time- just do it without the sick!


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