Domestic Mom Report
I want to blog, I just don't feel like I have anything exciting to report. I'm a mom. These last two weeks, I've been a single mom while Michael has been working out of town. It's been hard, but doable. I usually do well for the first twelve hours of my shift, but that last hour before the kids go to bed is really hard. I just take really deep breaths and keep going. This week we had a lot of rain, but we are all fine. I actually usually like rainy weather, but it does limit the areas in which you can let your toddler run. Here's the big news of the week: Sam is sleeping through the night! For the first time in about a year, it also means that I am sleeping through the night. I had him down to a once a night feeding, but the last few times I did it, I noticed that we were both sleeping through it so I just decided not to do it anymore. He woke up and cried few a few minutes every couple of hours or so the first night, but not hard and not very convincingly...