Travel Links
I love to travel. I'd travel once every six weeks in a perfect world. I love to travel with my kids and without them. It's probably my favorite hobby. It's also my most expensive hobby. Because I can't be traveling all the time, I've developed the habit of researching travel to tide me over.
Here are a few of my favorite links for travel with children:
Ciao Bambino I really like this one. It's a recent find with lots of villa rentals.
Family Travel Guides This is handy resource.
Family Travelogue A great blog to which I subscribe with bloglines.
Delicious Baby I love this blog as well.
Tiny travelers This has come in handy a few times.
Vacation Kids Not beautiful to look at, but really very comprehensive and very handy.
Cruise Mates- Traveling with the Baby This is a great website for cruising with kids or just cruising in general.
These are links that I use all the time for Traveling in General:
Caribbean Way Gorgeous Villa Rentals
Fuel Cost Calculator Helps you figure out how much gas might cost you on the road.
Trip Advisor I always check out hotels here before I book.
Sustainable Harvest Service Trips Do a good deed and go somewhere wonderful. I can't wait till my kids are older and we can do this.
Budget Travel I subscribe to this magazine and I utilize the website as well.
Rent Villas I've rented a villa through them twice and had fantastic results. I love this company and I love what they offer.
So, that's a good start. Look them over. Browse. Call me when you decide where we're going!
XXOO, Amber
Until next time!
Kevin Pidduck