Travel Links

I love to travel. I'd travel once every six weeks in a perfect world. I love to travel with my kids and without them. It's probably my favorite hobby. It's also my most expensive hobby. Because I can't be traveling all the time, I've developed the habit of researching travel to tide me over.
Here are a few of my favorite links for travel with children:
Ciao Bambino I really like this one. It's a recent find with lots of villa rentals.
Family Travel Guides This is handy resource.
Family Travelogue A great blog to which I subscribe with bloglines.
Delicious Baby I love this blog as well.
Tiny travelers This has come in handy a few times.
Vacation Kids Not beautiful to look at, but really very comprehensive and very handy.
Cruise Mates- Traveling with the Baby This is a great website for cruising with kids or just cruising in general.
These are links that I use all the time for Traveling in General:
Caribbean Way Gorgeous Villa Rentals
Fuel Cost Calculator Helps you figure out how much gas might cost you on the road.
Trip Advisor I always check out hotels here before I book.
Sustainable Harvest Service Trips Do a good deed and go somewhere wonderful. I can't wait till my kids are older and we can do this.
Budget Travel I subscribe to this magazine and I utilize the website as well.
Rent Villas I've rented a villa through them twice and had fantastic results. I love this company and I love what they offer.
So, that's a good start. Look them over. Browse. Call me when you decide where we're going!
XXOO, Amber


Hi Amber, Thanks for reading my BootsnAll Family Travel Logue (and I love the "Budget Travel" magazine and blog also!)
Kevin said…
Hi Amber! Thanks for including us in your terrific list. It's wonderful to see the pictures of your beautiful family. So where to next?? Have you checked out our list of Family-Friendly properties? There are some great ones in there! One of my favorites is in Liguria.

Until next time!

Kevin Pidduck
MJ said…
Hmm, I'll have to come back to this list at a later date.

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