Davis is Nine- Hyatt Lost Pines weekend
Davis is nine today. My little baby has grown so fast. He is an independent young man now. We have intelligent conversations. He understands subtlety (though he isn't very good at it yet). He is incredibly responsible and cares about doing the right thing. He is still strong willed, but this has been a great year in that we talk about most things rather than butt heads about them. Davis is still obsessed with going fast, whether on foot, on roller blades or ice skates or on his bike. He is also constantly creating and engineering things in his mind. He sings on pitch and has great musicality. He plays the piano and choreographs fantastic dances in his room. He reads biographies like they are going out of style and is engrossed in Anne of Green Gables which I am currently reading aloud. He is still extremely independent and brave. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, but he is deeply sensitive. He can still throw a mean tantrum, but his recovery is swift. No...