I'm approaching forty. Not right away, but soon. Maybe that is why I have been doing so much more navel gazing lately. I've also been reading all these books, by Liane Moriarty, that are about women and relationships and it makes me think about who I am and how I am perceived. My friend, Katie, sometimes writes me emails about how she perceived me when we met- just little anecdotes in conversation- and they are always so different than how I remembered. I wonder why I strive so hard to be the perfect wife, mom, hostess, friend, class mom, daughter when nobody seems to really like that kind of person. We all love to hear about their hidden insecurities, because it makes us feel better. Me, too. I wonder why that is. Maybe my friend Marchelle, the social psychologist would be able to tell me. I'll have to ask her about that later. My sister, eight years older and wiser, tells me that when you reach a certain age, you stop caring so much what others think of you. ...