Six months!
Sam celebrated his half birthday with learning how to scoot. Our big boy learned to roll over at 2 months, got teeth at 4 months and figured out how to crawl at 6 months. I'm so proud. I'm also a little stressed about how I'm going to keep track of him now that he's on the move. I'm also concerned on how I'm going to keep all the choking hazards out of his way when Davis is around. But it really is wonderful to watch these milestones happen. Sam seems so proud of himself when he crawls. And he gets so frustrated when he can't reach the object of his desire. This being able to motivate will help a lot. He tries a variety of methods to get around. I made a video. Of course, in the video he doesn't actually go anywhere, but I assure he does when the cameras aren't rolling. I will put it up under videos, but here is the link now. Sam crawling. I hope you enjoy it. We also took him in to his six month well visit. He weighs in at 18 pounds ...