Little sayings and updates
Did I ever tell you that Michael got his old job back? He did. Works from home again and still has his six weeks vacation. We are very happy. Sam informed me that he would like to stay a kid forever and have me as his mommy forever. We have these little chats every night after Davis leaves the room where I sing to Sam and in between songs we discuss the best and worst parts of our day. That time with Sam is my best part of every day. (Davis won't go for that. He just wants his dad right now). My dad and I were talking about the difficulties for him living with dementia. He said that while the rest of us were just easily walking down the street, he was hacking his way through the jungle with a machete. I thought it was a very good analogy. My grandparents got some elder care and all of a sudden I don't have to cook for them every day anymore. I'm making too much food now. Davis is loving to read all of a sudden. It's a breakthrough. He's really reading boo...